Wednesday, December 19, 2007

FreeRange stock

Most web designers are always looking for backgrounds or just images to compliment a certain web design. There are allot of sites that offer stock images, but at a price. Meet
Freerange Stock was formed with the goal to provide quality stock photos for commercial and non-commercial use. For free. We feel that free stock photos can be good photos. Freerange is an advertising revenue supported photographic community - photographers get paid when users click on the ads that appear next to their submissions.

Images on the site are either shot by Freerange Stock, drawn from Freerange archives, or contributed by a talented community of photographers. We feel that the images want to be seen and good photos should be available to everyone - so we give the collections away with the hope that they will be useful and be enjoyed.
Support this great initiative today :)

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

While searching on the internet I stumbled upon which I think is a very good idea. helps to empower reputable professionals, in short, Naymz allows you to maximize your professional opportunities by promoting your good name in the Naymz Reputation Community. - Be sure to invite me to your network ;)

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Iron Man

This game is going to be friggen cool!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

StarUML - Open Source gem!

Today while searching for a free and open source UML modelling tool I came upon StarUML which imho is one of the best out there for Windows. It was actually developed to be better than Rational Rose!

Monday, November 12, 2007 woes

Today while working with some javascript I discovered just how different Internet Explorer and Mozilla really are.

I had this very simple piece of code:'test.html', "Test Window");

For some reason it didn't want to open up in Internet Explorer. On Mozilla it worked perfectly but IE just simply raised an invalid argument error.

I solved the problem by removing the space in the WindowName parameter.'test.html', "TestWindow");

After looking at Mozilla's developer documentation I saw this:
This is the string that just names the new window. Such string can be used to be the target of links and forms when the target attribute of an element or of a is specified. This string parameter should not contain any blank space. strWindowName does not specify the title of the new window.
Now I must assume that Mozilla test for this space and if it is found simply ignores it.

Open Source versus Proprietary

Monday, October 29, 2007

Tales of ADSL & rain

So I went to the in-law's farm this passed weekend. It was good for my wife to get away from the city for a change. Being a real Boeremeisie (farm girl) she absolutely hates city life. Me too in a sense, if only I could make a life from the farm and have broadband at the same time. I love the serenity of farm life. Being with nature in the quietness of the wilderness. At night you can hear the cry of the jackal and but wonder what animal will be it's prey tonight. Ah that would be the life for me. But reality is allot worse. We strive for the freedom we once had, freedom that circumstance has taken away from us, and now we just live each day to survive in this existence.

Friday night there was a downpour of rain on my father's farm. They had over 100 mm in the span of 4 hours. This is a good way to start the rainy season since the previous once for them was a very bad one.

Sunday we came back just as the rain started to fall. The in-law's got 36mm rain. After we arrived in Windhoek I found that my ADSL is not working which was pretty dissapointing since I wanted to play Entropia Universe or Guild Wars. At the time of this entry it still was not working. My wife called Telecom Namibia about that but they have not responded yet. (And I work for them!)

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Jay! My first entry.

So I've started this blog. I actually wanted to have blogger link to my domain, but I have to do configurations for that first. That's very nice functionality actually. Blogger roxor!